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Physical Education

Mr. Jim Croy

Jim Croy
PE6, PE7, PE8
(925) 235 1130 EXT 122

Treyvonna Brooks
PE6, PE8, PE9
(925) 235 1130 EXT 124


Middle School Physical Education Course

Mind and Body (6th grade and 7th grade)

The primary goal of the course is to introduce students to life at SPA, promote a smooth transition to middle school, and to help students develop a coherent plan for their education. Upon completion of the course, students should have a greater understanding of their responsibilities as a student and role as citizens in the SPA community. This course will give students the necessary skills for maximizing the academic performance, as well as an appreciation for the relevance and importance of education.  In Mind and Body we strive to support students to practice various physical skills and movements needed to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we help them understand how their bodies and brains are developing during middle school and we encourage them to create healthy relationships with themselves and their community.

High School Physical Education Course

Heath and Wellness (8th and 9th grade)

An orientation and introduction to high school physical education, wellness and health. Our Health and Wellness course expands on the skills and development from Mind and Body and includes rigor in the areas of fitness, endurance, flexibility, setting personal fitness goals while continuing their journey and deeper understanding of personal boundaries, healthy relationships, sexual health, mental health, nutrition and drug and alcohol awareness. Students are provided with content and opportunities to enable them as individuals and as members of society, to make informed decisions, evaluate and modify behaviors, and increase health literacy. The course topics include: Personal and Community Health, Nutrition and Physical Activity, Mental, Emotional, and Social Health, Alcohol, Tobacco, and other drugs, Injury Prevention and safety, Growth, Development, and Comprehensive Sexual Health Education. Activities will align with the State Standards and Framework in both physical fitness and health. This course will include the State Fitness Exam in the spring.